The AEWV is the main temporary work visa in New Zealand.
It is designed to ensure New Zealanders are first in line for jobs and makes it easier for employers to hire skilled migrants where genuine skill or labour shortages exist.
It also helps combat migrant exploitation by ensuring only employers who are accredited can hire migrant workers.
Key information and statistics:
As at 29 July 2024 Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has approved 123,915 AEWV applications since the scheme opened, and there are currently 31,873 accredited employers and 84,678 AEWV holders.
On 7 April 2024, changes were announced to the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme. These include:
Introducing an English language requirement for migrants applying for low skilled ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles.
A minimum skills and work experience threshold for most AEWV roles.
For roles that fall into the ANZSCO level 4 and 5, employers will need to engage with Work and Income before approval to bring in migrants will be granted.
Reducing the maximum continuous stay for most ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles from 5 years to 3 years.
Disestablishing the franchisee accreditation category and for these businesses to apply to bring in workers from overseas through the standard, high-volume, or triangular employment accreditation.